While Tony’s Chevelle may be a hard act to follow, Kent Matranga’s 1966 Chevelle is just as impressive. It’s built for everyday driving and for smoking tires, which Shawn confirms it does well.
While this is another big block engine, this one is a 565-ci with a big blower on the hood.
Shawn explains that Kent was going for an almost cartoonish look with the blower on the hood, yet it barely sticks out and doesn’t really inhibit the visibility of the driver. Most importantly, it allows the car to hit up to 850 hp.
The pair go for a spin, and Kent explains that the setup allows it to just cruise if you want, yet as soon as you give it some gas you can hear the power behind it. Shawn details how great the Chevelle just goes, explaining that he can feel the rear end really sit.
While the brakes are great, you can always feel the car wanting to surge forward.